How Do I Fix My Printer Error Problem

When an office printer doesn’t perform its one job, it’s easy to feel frustrated. We know how annoying it can be to have persisting problems with the printer. You should take your printer care regularly. To help you get back up and running with as little downtime as possible, we compiled in this video a list of how to fix them.

Hard restart: As simple as it seems, unplugging and replugging the power cord on the printer can fix many of the little glitches that come along

Restart your computer: Sometimes the issue is not just the printer but remember to hit save before restarting to not lose any of your work.

Check the connections: Make sure that everything is plugged into where it should be. 

Check for error codes:  It will generally tell you exactly what is wrong. If there is no code on the printer, go to the Control Panel on your computer and select Devices and Printers. 

Check the print queue: In a lot of cases, someone else’s computer issues can be clogging up the queue. So remove them

Updates Drive: See if there are any updates needed for your printer driver. It can also be cause issues


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